We are focused on a goal – your goal. If you want to shed some excess weight, build muscle mass, improve the efficiency of your body or correct a posture defect, then we can help you do this in the most effective manner. We know how to quickly, healthily and safely take care of your silhouette. Each of our trainers…

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We are focused on a goal – your goal. If you want to shed some excess weight, build muscle mass, improve the efficiency of your body or correct a posture defect, then we can help you do this in the most effective manner. We know how to quickly, healthily and safely take care of your silhouette. Each of our trainers is a unique individual with their own specific purpose. Therefore, each client receives and individual approach from the outset – from the choice of a diet, selecting the appropriate exercises, to a report produced by the end of each training. We create a place where you will meet inspiring people, experience a unique training with innovative equipment, get to know the taste of healthy and originally prepared diet and you’ll be motivated to come back for stimulating work on your body’s atmosphere

We believe that anyone can achieve their dream figure and still feel good and healthy in your own body. Only 3 things are required for this: a set goal, a healthy diet and appropriately selected exercises. At Apogee we will help you choose a goal that is realistic and rewarding. We come up with a diet that will help you achieve this goal, whilst keeping it healthy, tasty and safe for your body. We select exercises which after completion, you will notice the effects of your training. You will maintain contact with a professional trainer at all times and receive access to an incredibly well-equipped gym. Apogee is a meeting place for people who are striving for the same goal of wanting to achieve the best results – and you can also be a part of it. We organise an exclusive place, filled with a wonderful atmosphere, where the desire comes back for another dose of unconventional exercises and inspiration.

From A to Z

Reaching the peak of your figure can only be achieved through intensive and systematic work. That’s why we take care of you from the beginning to righ to the end . During the first, free meeting, you will fill out an individual survey, where you can tell us about your expectations, about what you want to work on . Next we will measure and weigh you and as well as ask you to perform a few simple fitness tests – you’ll see later how these digits will be changing with you. You will be assigned a special file, where all of your results and progress will be stored. Monitoring your performance will give us an indication on what you still need to work on and what has already been achieved . All this is, to make sure that our time is used most efficiently during every workout.

We minimize the time – maximize theresult

We understand that in today’s busy world, not everyone has the time for daily visits to the gym and hours of training. We value your time, and therefore determine the date and time of exercises that will ideally fit in your schedule. Depending on what goal you want to achieve, you will need to dedicate from 20 to a maximum of 45 minutes on exercise. By using professional equipment and innovative training methods, in this time we can carry out a full blown workout, which will replace the usual long lasting visits to the gym or a fitness club. With the help of experienced trainers and the use of innovative training equipment, you will discover what pleasure can be derived from a, regular, interesting training.

We are here for you

Our coaches are prepared to work with you – we know that you have your goal, various abilities and eating habits. Due to the fact that we will work only with you and above you, we can create a perfect plan, which will guarantee you the best results. The general knowledge widely available online or in the books, can give you a lot of good tips. You will not find , however, the diet and training plan, designed under your: height, metabolism, specific goal, your current condition or any limitations. We can find optimised solutions that will provide you with the most effective results. Do not waste your time on a ‘fit for all’ solution. Come to us for the perfect solution for you.

Which training?

We operate a spacious gym with classrooms and professional equipment, so you can do all the exercises safely, comfortably and efficiently. With us you can join the following types of training:

  • Strength training – aimed at increasing strength, building muscle, and fat loss. It’s a great workout which increases muscle mass and accelerates metabolism.
  • Endurance training – increases muscle strength and improves cardiorespiratory endurance. With it you will be able to ski for hours and get to every bus on time.
  • Rehabilitation training – training that prevents injuries and regenerates suffered injuries, and corrects posture. In the end, sport is health.
  • Training pro-medical – increasing quality of life and improving the functioning of people with chronic diseases.
  • Functional training – exercises imitating the activities of everyday life. With it, you can reduce the risk of injury and improve the functioning of your every day.
  • Circuit training – universal training improves overall fitness, physical fitness, and your figure.
  • Stretching – that is, work on the mobility of the joints. This training increases our mobility and flexibility – this is useful for a people recovering from an injury or having a sedentary job.
  • Dynamic preparation of athletes – Achieve your best life form as well as your full potential, by identifying and improving your weaknesses and your overall efficiency.

Your goal

Do you want to run a marathon ? Lose a few extra pounds? Look great in a dress or a suit ? Or maybe you are fascinated by mountaineering and you want to climb the highest peaks in the world? Join us, tell us about your goal, what you want to achieve – and together, with us, we can do this in the quickest and best way possible. Come to the place where you get to the top of their form . Experience the innovative and effective training methods , discover new flavors in an optimal and balanced diet, and train together with brimming optimism, passionate sports enthusiasts.

Our Coaches

You will reach the peak of your form thanks to experienced personal trainers. It is sports enthusiasts and dieticians, who for many years overcome the barriers to their bodies and they are willing to help you do the same. Having received adequate education, they participated in multiple courses and repeatedly tried various solutions in their practical experience, which, now, they offer to their clients. They speak about exercise and healthy eating with passion and commitment – they will infect you with their optimism and a positive attitude to sport. Thanks to their excellent interpersonal skills, you will quickly establish contact and a common language, which will translate into a friendly atmosphere during any training and better motivation to achieve your set objective.


Odkąd pamiętam ruch był zawsze tym, co sprawiało mi dużą frajdę. Dość szybko złapałem „żelaznego bakcyla”, to jak moje ciało zaczęło się zmieniać pod wpływem treningu i diety, wprawiało mnie w osłupienie. Po niedługim czasie osiągnąłem to, co chciałem, lecz wtedy zadawałem sobie pytania. Skoro tak szybko osiągnąłem efekt, o którym marzyłem, jakie są moje […]

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Odkąd pamiętam ruch był zawsze tym, co sprawiało mi dużą frajdę. Dość szybko złapałem „żelaznego bakcyla”, to jak moje ciało zaczęło się zmieniać pod wpływem treningu i diety, wprawiało mnie w osłupienie. Po niedługim czasie osiągnąłem to, co chciałem, lecz wtedy zadawałem sobie pytania. Skoro tak szybko osiągnąłem efekt, o którym marzyłem, jakie są moje maksymalne możliwości, co jeszcze mogę osiągnąć, gdzie jest granica? Postanowiłem rozpocząć studia na AWF, aby jeszcze lepiej zrozumieć mechanizmy funkcjonowania ludzkiego ciała, i poprzez to jeszcze lepiej dobierać metody treningowo-żywieniowe.

Podczas studiów, zdobyłem ogrom wiedzy z zakresu fizjologii człowieka, biochemii, anatomii, biomechaniki ruchu. Wszystko to pozwalało na trenowanie oraz odżywianie się, z pełną świadomością tego, co się robi. Wtedy zacząłem zauważać największe postępy.

Uważam, że nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych, to nasze myśli i to jak patrzymy na świat, kreuje nas i nasze otoczenie. Różnica między tym, co możliwe, a tym, co niemożliwe leży w naszej determinacji. moim celem jest teraz dzielić się Swoim doświadczeniem i realizować Wasze cele.


Jestem absolwentem AWF w Krakowie, ukończyłem studia magisterskie na kierunku Wychowanie Fizyczne. Pracuję jako trener personalny i dietetyk od 2011 r. Poprzez regularne uczestnictwo w kursach, szkoleniach i warsztatach stale poszerzam swoją wiedzę na temat wysiłku fizycznego, rehabilitacji i masażu, prawidłowego odżywiania oraz holistycznego podejścia do zdrowia człowieka. Jestem także masażystą, instr

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Jestem absolwentem AWF w Krakowie, ukończyłem studia magisterskie na kierunku Wychowanie Fizyczne. Pracuję jako trener personalny i dietetyk od 2011 r.

Poprzez regularne uczestnictwo w kursach, szkoleniach i warsztatach stale poszerzam swoją wiedzę na temat wysiłku fizycznego, rehabilitacji i masażu, prawidłowego odżywiania oraz holistycznego podejścia do zdrowia człowieka.

Jestem także masażystą, instruktorem gimnastyki, kulturystyki, pływania i ratownikiem wodnym. Interesuję się medycyną naturalną, a oprócz prozdrowotnego stylu życia moją pasją są także fotografia, taniec i turystyka górska. Aktywnie trenuję od 2005 r. stale rozwijając moją sprawność i umiejętności. Moją ulubioną aktywnością fizyczną jest kalistenika i gimnastyka sportowa.


Welcome apogee studio

Kontakt - Apogee Personal Studio

Ostatnia 2c
31-444 Krakow

Sala treningowa

Łazienka 1

Łazienka 2